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There’s no winging it when it comes to making the biggest purchase or sale of your life. Ask
questions about your situation and get advice from real people and experts you can trust.

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Every agent has over 4 years of full-time experience, so you’re in good hands.

High Standards

RamseyTrusted pros close 3x more homes than the average agent.

Strong Values

They care about you and getting you the best deal—not just a paycheck.

Work With a RamseyTrusted Agent

When you work with a top real estate agent who’s earned the RamseyTrusted shield, you’ll have a pro in your corner to help you crush your home-buying goals. And connecting with them is free—our favorite price tag.

Keep the excitement in finding your new home.

Stay On Track

Beat debt and manage your money while buying or selling with an agent who supports your goals.

Close Faster

RamseyTrusted agents in our Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) program have been vetted and coached to serve you well.

Rest Easy

Since our agents are experts, they know how to speed up the process and get you to the closing table.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A top real estate agent’s job is to guide you throughout the entire home buying or selling process. They back you up with expert knowledge, experience and a plan to help you crush your housing goals. 

Since home buyers and sellers have different needs, there are almost always two real estate agents involved with every home transaction—a buyer’s agent  and a seller’s agent (or a listing agent). 

A buyer’s agent will guide you through the process of purchasing a home within your budget that fulfills your list of must-haves. On the other hand, a listing agent walks you through everything you need to do to get your home ready for sale on the real estate market. They know what it takes to get the home sold on your timeline and for the best price. 

We have confidence in each of your recommended RamseyTrusted ELPs to serve you well or we wouldn’t have recommended them! However, the most important factor when it comes to choosing your real estate agent is your own comfort level. We always recommend conducting your own vetting process to determine the best fit for your situation. Meeting the candidate(s) in person and asking these questions will help you determine if your personalities click. That's a great foundation for building a connection with the ELP you like the most!  

There's no fee for coming through our site and using our service to find an agent. It's our goal to get you connected with the right people so that you can get the best help! If you choose to move forward with a RamseyTrusted ELP agent, they will have a service commission for the help they provide. That's an industry standard and true of any agent that you may work with. We cannot regulate what the ELP charges, so any questions you may have around the exact cost for their service would be great to ask them directly when you interview them! 

Other Helpful Resources

What Does a Real Estate Agent Do?
Home Buying

What Does a Real Estate Agent Do?

You’ve seen them all over, but what do real estate agents do? We’ll give you all the info you need about the amazing things an agent can do to make your buying and selling experience awesome!

Ramsey Solutions Ramsey Solutions
How to Find a Real Estate Agent
Home Buying

How to Find a Real Estate Agent

Learn how to find a real estate agent you can trust. That way, you’ll get the help you need to buy or sell a house on your timeline and for the right price.

Rachel Cruze Rachel Cruze

Real Estate Advice
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